What is Low Vision

When a person's clarity doesn't meet their visual requirements (perhaps due to Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Diabetes or Retinal conditions); they are said to have low vision. This can vary from a slight drop in clarity (that can't be fully corrected by medical treatments, conventional spectacles, or contact lenses) to more significant visual impairement. 

Beyond a pair of glasses

Once we gain an understanding of the person's visual frustrations and requirements, we look at stronger-than-standard reading glasses as well as optical and digital visual aids and adaptation of environmental design to improve visual function. The most appropriate solution is chosen and we practise using it together to get the most out of your visual aid.  Chat to us about what you need: we would love to look at creative ways of solving your particular visual challenges!

Adapting your environment to suit your vision

Adaptations to the home and work environments can make things significantly easier  to see (you'd be surprised as to how much clever use of contrast and lighting can help). We can also share the recommendations of others in similar situations on making things easier to see or easier to do if you can't see them. 

A simple lesson in making use of the in-built contrast, magnification and speeech settings on your cell phone, tablet and computer is often very useful. More advanced magnification, speech output and OCR reading software and devices are also available.
